Bakery Blog

Christmas is the favourite time of the year for most people, as we're all looking forward to celebrating it with the closest family and friends. Both kids and adults love this season for traditions like a Christmas tree decorating, preparing gifts, getting the holiday table ready, and, of course, baking holiday spirited pastry. In our bakery blog, you'll find a lot of useful and fascinating information about the baking recipes UK and tips for making the most delicious cakes and cookies.

Greg's Top Tips to Take Your Bake to the Next Level

If your experience with baking is anything like mine, sometimes you follow a recipe word for word, you painstakingly measure...
If your experience with baking is anything like mine, sometimes you follow a recipe word for word, you painstakingly measure ingredients, you cook for just the right amount of time and.... the cookies run and are flat, or the bread won't rise as it should. It's infuriating. You do everything right and the baking Gods just aren't on your side. Well, I talked to Greg, our head baker here at Britain Loves Baking, and below you can find some of...
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What's Up With Sourdough Starter?

I guess I should finally reveal my secret. If you've noticed some American English floating around the Britain Loves Baking...
I guess I should finally reveal my secret. If you've noticed some American English floating around the Britain Loves Baking website, on our social media posts, or on our recipe cards, I am to blame. I'm an American college student working with Britain Loves Baking and as such you might have noticed some dialect differences. Whew, now that that's out of the way, Greg the Baker asked me to use my nationality and lend some perspective to address the pandemic...
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Learning to Bake in a Pandemic: A New Passion for Br...

Stress baking is a very real thing, and many young people are learning to bake for the first time in...
Stress baking is a very real thing, and many young people are learning to bake for the first time in the time of coronavirus and COVID-19. Find out why! Being isolated during a worldwide pandemic sure has changed life for Britain's young people. Not being able to do what you'd normally do - go out to bars and restaurants, attend events, visit galleries and museums, go to work - has made a lot of 20 and 30-somethings go back to...
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Learning From Baking Mistakes...or not!

Hello, I hope you are having a good week. Making pastry-lined foods in our family seems to be quite a...
Hello, I hope you are having a good week. Making pastry-lined foods in our family seems to be quite a complex process, whoever attempts it, something always goes wrong, and we can’t seem to master it! Last year, my dad was making a quiche for lunch and we had heard that instead of using baking beans, we could use rice to help blind bake the pastry. So, he gave it a go, made it and placed it into the oven....
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The Fun of Baking

Hello everyone,   I’m new around here. I’m Libby and I have been baking for as long as I can...
Hello everyone,   I’m new around here. I’m Libby and I have been baking for as long as I can remember. I have been posting baking and cooking related videos and photos on TikTok and Instagram since the start of the year. I recently discovered Greg the Baker’s new baking boxes and really wanted to try one out, videoing the process so other people can see how easy baking can be when most of the ingredients are weighed and provided...
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Our Baking Recipes

Using our baking recipes for beginners and home baking kits, you will easily win the hearts of your guests with fantastic cupcakes, bread, and other pastry you've made on your own! In our latest articles represented on the bakery blog, you can find reviews at the best Christmas baking gift boxes from Britain Loves Baking. Check them out to determine the box you and your kids will love the most, and proceed to holiday baking recipes for cakes together!  Our bakery blog suggests a wide range of ideas on how to apply baking kits in children's development, and what types of entertainment can baking recipes cookies be included to. Don't know how to spend a holiday weekend since there is the outbreak of Covid-19? Order excellent Christmas dessert boxes from Britain Loves Baking, which goes with fantastic baking recipes UK, and we'll deliver them right to your apartment so that you don't have to leave your home. Spend a wonderful time with your family while baking yummy cupcakes cooked according to our special baking for beginners' recipes. Baking bread recipes at home will help you to create a unique Christmas atmosphere, even in this challenging Coronavirus Pandemic period.